
Yesterday was a good day.

Yesterday, I felt you with me all day.

Daddy and I were supposed to go to the gym yesterday – we had both took a full week off and discussed the night before how we HAD to go tomorrow. Well, Mommy didn’t set the alarm, so we ended up sleeping in. When we woke up we decided to drive a-ways out to go to breakfast so we could go to a place we had never been to.

The breakfast was uneventful but while we ate I told Daddy that I wanted to go to At Home for décor for the ‘guest room’. It hurts that I now refer to your room as a guest room – I have been feeling sad about this since we took your crib apart and I removed all of your items. Every day, I wish more than anything you were here with us. Daddy says he likes to go into the guest room to sit. He still calls it your room and says he feels close to you in there; that makes my heart hurt a little less.

Anyways, Daddy and I got done with breakfast and had about 20 minutes until the store opened. We decided to drive around the town we were in. We were on street called Randall and Daddy said I wonder how far Randall goes – well turns out not very far and before we knew it the street ended. We had to turn around but instead of making a u-turn we followed this one street in a square. We turned left to get onto a main street and to the right of us was TEK DRIVE! I couldn’t believe it. I felt so happy seeing your nick name on a street sign. As soon as I saw it I thought to myself – was that you? Did you just give us a sign?

Daddy and I went to the store and picked up the rest of the décor we needed – a nice picture, mirror and a mini lamp. As we were leaving right in front of us was a salon that was called Nail Tek… there it was again your nickname. I pointed it out to Daddy and we both had a good laugh. Again, I thought was that you? Did you just give us a sign?

I ended my day talking on a video call with your friend’s mommies. There were nine of us. The call was very nice and good for all of our hearts. We got to talk about our babies who we love and miss so badly. When I got off the phone, daddy was getting into his car. I thought he was heading somewhere so I jumped in. He wasn’t, his car was backed into the drive way and he needed to turn it around so he could pull it into the garage. When he did that I saw the clouds behind our house. If I didn’t hop in the car, I would have just gone straight inside without seeing the clouds shaped like a heart.

I knew immediately. I knew that heart was from you.

I may be crazy to think that these little things are from you, but they are all I have. All I have is a simple sign that may be in the clouds or a water stain (thank you for those smiley faces ;)). 

Please don’t stop sending me signs. I love getting them. I love feeling you here with me.

My love will live here until we meet again.



Other signs from my Tek

This article was written by mallory

One thought on “That Was From You”

  1. Mallory, what beautiful moments and loving sentiments you are sharing. I felt your heart’s little pitter-patter of affection and joy with each “sign” of TEK you witnessed that day. The street sign “TEK” is absolutely mind blowing and a miraculous sign from your little angel in heaven. These little heart warming moments you are seeing and feeling on any given day or place are Tek’s way of getting your attention and love and it’s definitely working! I picture his beautiful baby face smiling down on you as he wraps his angelic wings around you. Embracing every tender moment like this you share with him. He is saying “I am here with you mommy, feel my love and hugs as I carry your heart in mine… forever and always”. Love, your little TEK ???

    I also truly believe in these spiritual signs you are talking about. It’s not just a coincidence on that day that you chose to drive out there and end up going out of your way only to reveal such an “aha” feel good moment! It obviously brought you some joy and peace on that particular day as you felt that motherly bond with your son.

    With unconditional love, Mom ?

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