Oh how I miss her!
Oh how I miss him!
Look at those SMILES!
OH but more than anything I miss the precious soul growing inside me.
I regret every complaining about how uncomfortable I was.
I regret hating the last month of my pregnancy.
I want to go back to this day; one month before welcoming Theodore into this world.
Bring me back to having him kick me in my right rib.
Bring me back to having all sorts of uncomfortable that I couldn’t explain.
Bring me back so I can do it again.
Bring me back to the person in this picture.
Excited about the hockey neon light that was a white elephant gift.
Excited that the gift wasn’t horrible because she had a little boy on the way.
Excited that her and her husband would finally be a family of three.
Please I am begging, please bring me back.